The Cardozo Journal of Equal Rights and Social Justice (formerly the Journal of Law and Gender) has been a pioneering publisher of social justice-related legal scholarship for over twenty years.
The Journal publishes three issues per year with Articles and Notes that address a broad range of gender, sexual orientation, race, and diversity-based topics and reflects interdisciplinary views on legal issues relating to immigration law, anti-racism, human rights, international law, family law, civil rights, criminal law, and employment law. In addition, the Journal sponsors an annual symposium on a topical issue featuring leading academics, activists, and practitioners.
Staff Editors assist with cite checking, Bluebooking, and editing. All Staff Editors write annotations that are published in the legal bibliography of each issue. Additionally, each Staff Editor researches and writes a Note for possible publication. Selected Staff Editors also act as assistant symposium editors, and all Staff Editors may apply for positions on the executive board for their third year. Joining CJERSJ is a great way to distinguish oneself academically, focus on legal topics of interest and participate in an exciting social and professional environment. In addition to being found in hundreds of library collections, the Journal is available on Lexis Nexis and Westlaw, and through our website.
Get in touch with us by email at cardozo.ersj@gmail.com.